Travel Awards Frequently Asked Questions

For All Questions

Please contact with any questions or concerns. 

We recommended reading the Travel amd Registration Support page before applying for a travel award. Due to limited funding, travel award applications are highly competitive and not all applicants will receive an award. Applicants who are presenting will take priority over applicants not presenting at the conference.

For travel award reimbursement questions, please see the Reimbursement FAQs.

For Applicants

Who qualifies for a student travel award?

Any full-time student in good standing is eligible to receive a student award. This applies to undergraduate and graduate students, as well as U.S. based and non-U.S. based students.

Who qualifies for an early career travel award?

The terms of SIAM's grant from the United States National Science Foundation (NSF) restricts eligibility to researchers affiliated with U.S. institutions at the time of the conference. To qualify as "early career," an applicant must be within six years of their Ph.D. at the time of the conference.

Unfortunately, we do not currently have funding for early career individuals not based in the United States.

How do I submit an application?

You must be logged in to submit an application. To log in, you will need a SIAM ID and password. Please select the "SIAM Account Single Sign On" option from the Log In drop down menu. If you do not have a SIAM account you can create one by visiting

Creating a SIAM account is free and you do not need to be a member. If you already have an account and do not remember your password, you can reset it using the same link.

Please note that if you do not use your SIAM ID to log in, we will remove your application.

What do I need for my application?

You will need to complete basic information about yourself on the form; you will also need to prepare an applicant statement and upload a copy of your current CV.

Student applicants are required to have a letter of recommendation as part of their application. The form will request your letter writer's name and email address so that they can upload the document. The letter writer should be a senior colleague or advisor. 

Early career applicants are NOT required to have a letter of recommendation; it is optional to include a letter.

What should be included in the applicant statement?

Your applicant statement should be a short summary of why you are requesting conference support, the rationale for your request, and your interest in the conference. If you are presenting, please include your paper/poster/symposium title and the names of any co-authors/organizers. This should be 1-3 paragraphs long, no longer than a page in length.

What is taken into consideration?

The following factors are taken into consideration when an application is reviewed:

  • Scholarship
  • Relevancy of applicant's research to conference
  • Participation at the conference
  • Financial need
  • Ties to SIAM, such as membership and participation
  • Letter of recommendation

Applicants making a presentation will have priority over applicants who are non-presenting co-authors of a paper being presented. Non-presenting co-authors will have priority over applicants attending as observers.

For Letter Writers

How do I submit a letter of recommendation for an applicant?

You will receive an email inviting you to collaborate as part of the individual's application; note that you will need to be logged in to the portal to submit the letter.

To log in, you will need a SIAM ID and password. If you do not have a SIAM account you can create one by visiting

Creating a SIAM account is free and you do not need to be a member. If you already have an account and do not remember your password, you can reset it using the same link.

Can I upload a letter of recommendation on my letter writer's behalf? 

No; your letter writer will receive a request to submit a letter on your behalf. You will not be able to directly upload the letter of support as part of the application process.

Please give your letter writer sufficient time to submit your letter before the deadline. 

Is there a deadline to submit a letter?

Yes; the deadline is the application deadline for the specific conference. Note that if a student application does not have a letter of recommendation attached, it will be incomplete and will not be considered for funding.

Given the increasing competitiveness of travel awards and tight decision turnaround times, we cannot accept late letters, so please submit your letter on time.

For Travel Award Recipients

I received a SIAM Travel Award, is there anything I have to do ahead of the conference?

Please confirm that you accept the award and will attend the meeting via the survey link sent to you in your notification email. There is nothing further to do regarding the award. However, you should go ahead and make your travel and hotel arrangements.

I don’t know whether my paper/poster has been accepted yet. Can I wait to confirm until I know I will participate in the meeting?

You can hold off confirming your travel award until after you hear whether you will present your paper. There is not a deadline for confirming, but we would like to hear as soon as possible.

If you can no longer attend the conference, please let us know.

When will I receive the funds?

Your Travel Award comes in the form of a capped reimbursement; $650 for domestic travel and $800 for international travel. You cannot submit these receipts until after the conference.

For travel award reimbursement questions, including what is covered, please see the Reimbursement FAQs.

Will SIAM provide a Letter of Invitation for my visa application?

Confirmed speakers who need a Letter of Invitation to assist in the visa application process should fill out the Letter of Invitation Request Form. Please allow three to four weeks for processing and delivery of the letter.

For more assistance, please email

Should I register for the conference?

Please do not register for the conference unless otherwise told to do so. As part of your award, your registration is complimentary and we will register you.

The exception to this is conferences that are not run by SIAM. Typically these are conferences run by other societies/university departments in countries outside the U.S. In these cases, you will have to register yourselves, and additional funds will be made available towards this cost. 

Please check with SIAM staff to confirm your registration plans.

What events does my free registration cover?

Your registration covers the conference sessions, coffee breaks, and receptions, etc. It does not cover events that have separate fees, such as tutorials or conference dinners. Please review “Registration Information” at the conference website to see the events, if any, that have separate fees.

You may be asked to indicate what events and receptions you plan to attend. Signing up for these does not require payment (except where specified). We are using your information in the headcount of attendees so we can determine room sizes and food supplies.

Where can I find information about hotels, transportation, and local events?

Please visit the Lodging & Support tab on the specific conference's web page for more information, including recommended hotels and transportation options.

No FAQ can cover all questions and situations; please contact us if you have questions or concerns.